Natural skin care tips for the summer season

 natural skin care tips

Natural skin care! We are just enjoying spring to the fullest: The first warm days, sunshine and a mild breeze - wonderful! At the same time, the needs of our skin are changing. So let's give it an extra portion of attention now, so that it is perfectly prepared for temperatures around 30°C and sunshine. I present you 5 care tips and natural beauty recipe ideas, so that the upcoming summer feeling is also transferred to your skin and your complexion can soon shine with the sun. Read also how to cure dry skin on face overnight.

When summer approaches...

Just now we had to fight with sub-zero temperatures, dry hands and chapped lips. And then spring came - in no time at all! I'm glad you're finally here! I was really looking forward to you and my skin certainly was too, as it prefers to feel the warmth rather than the cold.

With the skin it is anyway such a thing: As the largest sense organ of our body it breathes, protects, detoxifies, absorbs and stores important nutrients. It is influenced in a special way by external conditions. That's why every season requires a different kind of care. If just now your skin was in hibernation and had to fight with cold and icy wind, suddenly it is exposed to intense sun rays and dry air. That's why it's so important to tailor your personal skin care routine to each season. For example, the heat in summer can increase your skin's oil production, and that in turn can lead to rashes, enlarged pores, and pimples. On top of that, sun exposure can cause dark spots, an uneven complexion, or even sunburn. Read how to stop oily face during day.

Good that there is the propolis skin balm from Bakanasan with sage and chamomile. The skin balm soothes sensitive and irritated skin after sunbathing and insect bites and is also ideal for skin impurities such as pimples or blackheads.

But usually in summer you have to fight not only with sunburn or impurities, also dry skin and feelings of tension want to be reduced. Therefore, you will find below my beauty tips including great recipe ideas, how the belated spring cleaning for your skin succeeds, so that the summer can come. Read also 10 home remedies foe oily skin.

5 tips for beautiful summer skin


1. natural peeling for face and body

First of all, I recommend you to create a foundation. The best way to start is with an exfoliating scrub. The only exception: If you have highly sensitive skin, very dry skin or a tendency to severe impurities, you should not use a scrub so as not to irritate it unnecessarily. For all other skin types: On your marks, get set, rub! Because the rubbing has the effect that your skin is freed from dead cells and horny flakes and it can breathe again. Plus: massaging in the peeling also stimulates the circulation of your skin, which ensures a radiant complexion. So if your skin is well prepared and smoothed, this will also show in the course of the summer in a much more even summer tan. Read 10 tips against dry skin in summer.

How often?

1x a week

Recipe for a honey sea salt scrub:

With just a few ingredients, you can conjure up a natural scrub for your face and body. All you need is fine sea salt and honey. Mix the two in a 2:1 ratio (salt/honey). Heat the honey in a saucepan, add the salt and mix everything together. Now you have a thick mass - your own scrub made of all-natural ingredients. Read best skin care routine for 30s.

The pure ingredients of honey and salt nourish your skin. Especially the benefits of honey provide many positives: it has antibacterial and soothing effects. Honey is also a natural moisturizer for your skin, giving it an extra dose of elasticity and protection. Read skin care routine for dry skin.

2. moisturizing face mask

In order to enjoy a healthy complexion for longer and keep your skin glowing beautifully during the hot summer months, it's especially important to keep it hydrated - especially if you've caught a little sunburn on your face. How to do that? With a hydrating face mask that soothes your skin and restores the moisture it needs.

How often.

1-2x a week

Moisturizing face mask recipe:

Do you like to eat avocado? Wonderful! Because this time your skin gets to enjoy the green fruit. It promotes cell renewal and provides it with vitamins and plenty of moisture - a delicious all-rounder! And this is how it is made: 


1/2 ripe avocado

2 tbsp. honey

1 tsp. coconut oil


Put the avocado in a bowl and mash it with a fork.

Add honey and coconut oil and mix until creamy.

Apply the face mask to your cleansed skin and leave it on for about 15 minutes.

Then rinse your face with lukewarm water and enjoy the pleasant feeling on your skin. Read What are the main reasons for using skin care products with natural ingredients?

3. moisturizing creams

Just like in cold temperatures, your skin needs sufficient moisture for the summer. But there is a difference: While your skin prefers rich creams on cold days, the beauty products may be lighter in the hot season. Natural care products with water-gel textures are particularly suitable here. They not only provide sufficient moisture, but also have a pleasant cooling effect and are quickly absorbed. I recommend gels made from aloe vera plants, for example. Thanks to their gossamer texture, they melt into your skin. They are also purely plant-based. On top of that, aloe vera is great for sunburn, as it cools the affected areas of the skin. 

How often?

1x daily 

Recipe for a moisturizing aloe vera face cream:

The aloe vera plant not only decorates your living room, but is a real beauty highlight from which you can prepare a prima face cream with a little skill. 


2 leaves of aloe vera = 50 g gel

100ml room warm milk with 3,5% fat

250ml almond oil

10 drops of essential oil, such as rose or lavender.


Cut off three large leaves at the end of the aloe vera plant. Now yellow juice should come out. However, you don't need it for your aloe vera cream. To get the gel, you need to leave the leaves along the cut side down for 10-15 minutes. This allows the yellow juice to run out. Then scrape the gel off the plant with a spoon. Read face skin care tips

Pour the gel into a blender container. Whip it briefly with a stick blender. It should now be creamy and you can see air bubbles in it. Set it aside.

Pour the milk into a tall mixing bowl.

Now very slowly add the almond oil drop by drop to the milk, stirring constantly with the hand blender. The process of stirring in the oil should take at least 5 minutes, so you should allow plenty of time for this.

When all the oil is stirred in, the mixture should start to thicken a bit. If not: keep stirring.

Gently spoon the aloe vera gel into the milk and oil mixture. Finally, add 10 drops of essential oil.

Pour the mixture into a clean jar and place it in the refrigerator for at least 24 hours. It will now take a little time for the cream to solidify and you will get a nice even mass. Important: You should always store the cream in the refrigerator. If it is stored in a cool place, it will keep for one to two weeks.

Aloe vera for skin

4. UV protection

Whether you're gardening, doing a yoga session in the park or relaxing by the sea, sun protection is key. That's why it doesn't hurt to stock up on suitable products for your face and body now, so that you have everything ready before a nasty sunburn surprises you.

By the way, if you use a day cream, it may already have a sun protection factor, so that your face already has basic protection. Alternatively, you can of course use an additional sunscreen - preferably with a sun protection factor higher than 20 and largely without chemicals. In general, you should not be too sparing when applying sunscreen in order to achieve a good protective effect. If you sweat a lot, a waterproof product is recommended. It's best to avoid the sun completely between 11 a.m. and 3 p.m. anyway, as that's when it's most dangerous and sunburn can occur more quickly. Topping up your vitamin D levels is certainly useful, but please don't spend your time in the aggressive midday sun for hours on end. Your skin will thank you for it.

How often.

As soon as you are in the sun for more than 15-30 minutes (depending on your skin type).

5. products with cooling effect

Soon it will be warm, really warm. You're sweating, you're hot, one or the other bead of sweat runs down your face. Phew - and now?

I think thermal water is great! The fine spray mist provides your skin with lots of moisture and also offers a super cooling effect. If you use the spray directly from the fridge, the freshness experience is even greater. 

How often?

As needed.

Recipe for a cooling face spray:

Bring on the refreshment! If you want a quick cool-down moment, you can give your skin a refresher with a little spritz of these natural ingredients. At the same time, green tea has a stimulating effect and can prevent skin aging thanks to the antioxidants it contains. Cucumber juice, on the other hand, is particularly refreshing and gives your skin the moisture it needs right now.


2 teaspoons green tea

1 cup of water

½ cucumber

Spray bottle


First, brew a strong green tea. For this, add two teaspoons of green tea to a cup of hot water and let it steep for at least 30 minutes. Pour off the tea leaves and let the tea cool down completely. Now press the cucumber through a juicer. Alternatively, you can also puree the cucumber thoroughly in a blender without water and then strain it through a coffee strainer.

Now mix the two liquids in a large glass bottle and shake well.

The spray is best stored in the refrigerator for a maximum of 14 days.

Well, is the anticipation of summer slowly rising? With these tips, you can prepare your skin in advance and give it the right pampering moments. By the way, fresh fruit, crunchy vegetables or green smoothies provide important minerals and vitamins. Sufficient still water or herbal teas (approx. 2-3 liters a day) supply the cells with moisture, so that you can also support your beauty from the inside with it. So let the sun into your heart and look forward to many beautiful moments - but please always optimally protected!


5 tips for beautiful summer skin


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