how to cure dry skin on face overnight

  (Extremely) dry skin on your face: characteristics, causes and tips

Do you suffer from (extremely) dry skin on your face? Then you really only want to know 1 thing: what can you do about it?

In this article we discuss the characteristics, causes and tips for dry skin. You can read what the best face cream is. And other tips to prevent and treat a tight, flaky and/or chapped skin on your face.

1. Characteristics & symptoms.

Overly dry skin on your face is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • Skin flakes (or: sheets)
  • Itching
  • Red spots
  • Bumps

You can also suffer from

  • chapped
  • rough
  • irritated
  • sensitive
  • sore and 'pulling' skin.

Treating your face properly will reduce all of the above symptoms (see tips for each cause below). Read skin care routine for dry skin .

2. Causes

A (very) dry facial skin can have many causes. We discuss the most common ones :

  • Seasons
  • Skin conditions
  • Alcohol
  • After showering
  • Transition
  • Shaving
  • Pregnancy
  • Seasons

In both winter and summer, you may suddenly experience dry skin :

Winter: cold, wind and dry air are three conditions that dry out your facial skin faster. Beware of the heating too: it makes the air in the house extra dry. And your skin reacts to the large differences in temperature between inside and outside.

Summer: A (very) dry skin on your face can also be caused by the sun. Especially if your skin burns. The sun can also be a factor in winter: your skin is then paler and therefore more sensitive to the sun's rays. Read how to stop oily face during day .

Solution :

Protect your facial skin from the weather.

  • In winter: Apply a cream for dry skin.
  • In summer (and also in winter): protect your skin against UV rays. So: Apply a facial cream with at least SPF 30.

Skin diseases

Your face is susceptible to numerous skin disorders. The best known are acne and eczema. But allergies can also wreak havoc on your moisture balance. Read also dry skin rash.


  • Ask the advice of a skin specialist or dermatologist. He/she will recommend a good face cream.
  • Scratching makes any condition worse. No matter how intense the itching is: stop scratching. Read also: itching due to dry skin.
  • Do you suffer from stress? This can aggravate skin conditions such as eczema. Try to bring more peace into your life. Read also: eczema due to extremely dry skin.


Alcohol dehydrates your body. Including your skin. It blocks the hormones that prevent dehydration. Your skin also ages faster through alcohol consumption. So you get wrinkles sooner. Read face skin care tips


This one is obvious. Drink less or not at all.

After showering

Do you often have dry skin on your face after showering? Then it's probably because you:

. Showering too often

. Showering too hot

. Using too much soap

All of the above factors cause you to damage your skin's top protective layer. It is very important for a good moisture balance.


  •  Shower less often, shorter and less hot. 
  •  Use a neutral soap, such as the skin care from AT14. Or use no soap at all and only rinse off.


Have you recently gone through the menopause? This can suddenly cause a (very) dry skin on your face. This is because estrogen in your body is decreasing.


A good face cream can help with these symptoms.


Do you often suffer from dry skin after shaving? Maybe your razor is blunt and/or dirty.

It could also be because you are shaving against the hairs. Then you cause small wounds or bumps.

Solution :

  •  Use a sharp and clean blade.
  •  Shave in the direction of your hairs.
  •  Still bothered? After shaving, use a skin-healing cream to help your skin.
  •  Or: let your beard stand.


Being pregnant can also suddenly cause your skin to become (very) dry. This is because your skin is changing due to hormones. Many women then suffer from an intensely itchy facial skin.

Not only during your pregnancy, but also after giving birth, the problems can continue.


Lubricate with a good cream during your pregnancy.

3. Dry skin tips

We have already given a number of tips to treat your (super) dry skin on your face. We'll briefly list them again:

  • Avoid too much contact with the sun
  • Avoid scratching (see also itching due to dry skin)
  • Avoid stress
  • Drink less alcohol
  • Shower briefly and not too hot
  • Use less soap or a neutral soap (for example the shampoo of AT14)
  • Shave with a new blade and follow the hair growth
  • Apply a good cream after showering or shaving

And finally: use a good cream to support your skin. We'll go into that in a bit more detail below.

Use a good facial cream

If your facial skin is dry, the solution seems obvious: use a moisturizer. It's just not quite that simple.

Just applying moisture won't get you there. The skin's protective layer must also be restored. Otherwise the moisture will evaporate just as quickly as it was applied.

So what you need is a cream that not only moisturizes, but also restores your top layer. Our cream, ALHYDRAN Cracked Dry Skin Care, is just such a cream. According to many users this medical moisturizing cream is even the "best" cream for (very) dry skin on your face.


how to cure dry skin on face overnight


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