dry skin rash

 Skin rash | What is a skin rash?

Skin rashes, simply put, are rashes that you see directly on the skin. Think of a rash in the form of eczema, redness, scaling, blisters, spots or bumps. Sometimes you also suffer from itching or even pain. Some people also develop symptoms such as burning, fever or feeling sick. Skin rashes can occur on specific parts of the body (for example, the face or your hands) or over larger areas of the body. Read also how to cure dry skin on face overnight.

Skin rashes are generally not serious and are a reaction of our body to factors within our body (such as stress) or outside factors (such as the hairs of the oak processionary caterpillar). This reaction becomes visible on our skin. Read eczema on face.

Skin Rash | Causes of Rash

Often a rash is not a condition in itself, but a consequence or reaction to some condition. For example, you can get a rash from infections, skin inflammation, or even the use of drugs. But stress, too-tight clothing, insect bites or dry skin can also cause a rash.

Often the type of rash already gives an indication of the cause of the rash. However, many forms can be very similar. Therefore, you will often need to visit your doctor to find out what is causing your rash.

Skin Rash | Types of Rash

 Skin rash caused by infectious diseases 

This type of skin rash is the result of infection by others. Think of childhood diseases such as mumps, measles, rubella and chicken pox. But also a bacterial infection such as impetigo, a skin infection such as scabies and shingles as a result of the chicken pox virus.

 Skin rash caused by skin inflammation

In this form of rash, the skin is inflamed. Common skin inflammations where the skin is damaged are forms of eczema, contact allergy or food allergy, diaper rash, insect bites, psoriasis, rosacea or sunburn. Read how to treat eczema.

Skin rash caused by medicines 

Medicines often cause side effects, a common side effect is itching and rash. This often occurs with antibiotics, but also painkillers, epilepsy drugs and heart medications.

Heat and heat rash 

If the skin becomes very hot or moist (sweating) as a result of heat, a rash can also occur. Often with itching and bumps as a result. Consider rash in the form of sun allergy, heat rash and blemishes. Read atopic dermatitis treatment.

Skin Rash | Symptoms

So there are many different types of skin rash with various causes. The consequences of these types of rash are also different and may also be different for each person. Common consequences or symptoms in skin rash are :

  • Redness, a red spot or red blotches on the skin
  • Itchy skin
  • Flaking of the skin
  • Extremely oily or extremely dry skin
  • Red dots on the skin
  • Vesicles with moisture on the skin
  • White bumps on the skin
  • Swollen glands under the skin
  • Itchy bumps on the skin

For worse forms of skin rash, you may experience even more severe symptoms. In this case, you should contact your doctor immediately. Examples include :

  • Fever
  • General malaise
  • Severe swelling
  • Breathing and/or swallowing problems
  • Vomiting and/or diarrhea
  • Confusion
  • Dizziness
  • Severe pain in head or neck

What to do in case of a skin rash ?

To determine the exact cause of a rash, it is necessary to see a doctor. Especially when the rash occurs suddenly and there is no explainable reason for it. Often the shape of the rash gives an indication, but remember that many forms are also very similar. If in doubt, further examination or referral to a specialist is done. Read also eczema cream for face.

7 tips for skin rashes

  • Avoid products with perfumes and dyes. Shampoo, body lotion, soap and cosmetics containing these substances can cause your skin to react.
  • Do not shower too hot. This dries out your skin and makes it more vulnerable.
  • And pat your skin dry after showering or washing.
  • Keep your skin well moisturized and protect it from outside influences
  • Let the rash breathe by wearing airy clothing
  • Leave the rash alone, avoid scratching it
  • Avoid factors that cause rashes


dry skin rash


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