how to treat eczema

 What is eczema

Eczema is a skin condition in which the skin becomes inflamed. This causes red, scaly patches and (severe) itching. Two common forms of eczema are constitutional eczema (also called atopic eczema) and contact eczema. Read also dry skin rash.

Type and symptom

Constitutional eczema

Constitutional eczema is a chronic inflammatory disease of the skin. This causes itching, redness and scaling. Constitutional eczema is also called atopic eczema or atopic dermatitis and is a common form of eczema. Read hormonal cystic acne .

Contact eczema

Contact eczema occurs when the skin comes into contact with certain substances that cause an allergic reaction. The eczema spots occur where the substance touches the skin. The most well-known example . Read what food causes acne

 If you avoid the substance causing the reaction, the eczema will disappear. Avoidance is not always easy, as some allergens (substances) are hidden in products. In the case of a contact allergy, it is important to read the detailed product description carefully. Read eczema on face.


There are several ways eczema can be treated. 

Ointments for eczema: People with eczema often have dry skin. Proper care of the skin is the first step in keeping the eczema as calm as possible. Basic ointments form the basis of the treatment and ensure that the skin is not dry. The eczema is additionally treated with ointments containing medication (ointments that suppress the inflammatory reaction of the skin). Why does the skin scratches after bath even though you use disinfectant on the water?

Medication for eczema: if treatment with ointments does not work sufficiently, the doctor may prescribe medication in the form of tablets. These tablets can be divided into medicines for eczema, medicines for itching and medicines for skin infections. Read atopic dermatitis treatment .

Light therapy: in some cases, treatment with ultraviolet light may be an option. Your skin is then exposed to ultraviolet-B light or ultraviolet-A light twice a week. Read eczema cream for face .

Dealing with eczema and itching

Eczema has a major impact on daily life. It is therefore important that you learn to cope with eczema and its symptoms such as itching. 

Source .

how to treat eczema


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