
Showing posts with the label Skin care

what causes eczema in adults

 Eczema: what are the causes and how do you treat it? Eczema is one of the most common skin conditions: one in five children and one in twenty adults suffer from it. Eczema itches, keeps you from sleeping and can cause infections. But fortunately, there's a lot you can do to naturally alleviate the symptoms of eczema . What is eczema? Eczema is a collective term for a large number of different skin conditions that result in itchy skin rashes. This non-contagious, chronic inflammation of the skin is characterized by dry, red, scaly and itchy patches on the skin. You can get eczema at any age, but eczema is more common in children than in adults. Most children grow over it, however, although they often retain dry skin or may still be susceptible to an eczema attack later in life. What types of eczema are there? Depending on the cause, form and location, we distinguish different types of eczema. The most common type of eczema is atopic dermatitis , but there are numerous other types,

acne scar removal

  Acne has left imprints of pimples on my skin - What can I do to reduce or remove them? Unfair as it is, many people suffer from the consequences of acne even after the impurities have cleared up. One of these consequences are traces of  pimples caused by pigmentation problems. This can be very annoying.  Fortunately, there are many ways to reduce acne blemishes and make these "imprints" of pimples less visible and sometimes even invisible. This article looks at the different measures you can take and explains how pimples can cause marks in the first place.  Read hormonal cystic acne. For more information on how to reduce or remove acne scars, continue reading the article 'Acne Scars'. Causes & Triggers How can pimples cause permanent marks ? The red or brown spots that remain after impurities have healed are caused by pigmentation. This is also called post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation. We call this "post-inflammatory" because the spots only appear a

What are the main reasons for using skin care products with natural ingredients?

  5 reasons to choose natural skin care! More and more people are looking for natural skin care products. This is because many regular beauty products contain substances that can be bad for our health. But more and more is known about natural alternatives. In this article we give the 5 main reasons to choose natural  skin care . What are natural skin care products? Natural skin care products  can be recognized by what they do not contain.  Read skin care routine for dry skin. These include parabens, phthalates, alcohol, SLS, aluminum, artificial colors and fragrances. These can lead to allergies and hypersensitivity, hormonal imbalances and even cancer.  Read face wash women in 2022. So what do natural skincare products contain? Among others, vitamins, antioxidants and essential fatty acids, which properly care for, protect and repair the skin. Why natural skincare is important Your skin lets more through than you think Our skin is our largest organ. Approximately 60 to 70% of what we

face wash for women in 2022

  It's the first step of your  skincare routine : facial cleansing. Only after that can you get to work with all kinds of nourishing toners, serums and creams. Are you looking for the best facial cleanser for your skin? We would like to give you a hand in your search. From face washes and cleansing foams to milks, gels and oils, these are the best face cleansers available today.  Read 10 home remedies for oily skin. The best facial cleansers for fresh and clean skin So how do you decide what the best facial cleanser is for you? Check with yourself what type of skin you have and what your skin needs. For example, do you have dry skin ? Then it is important to choose a facial cleanser with moisturizing ingredients such as hyaluronic acid. If you have sensitive skin , it is best to go for a mild facial cleanser that is free of perfume, alcohol and parabens. Choose a more powerful cleanser with, for example, salicylic acid if you suffer from pimples and other impurities. Below you wil

how to stop eczema itching immediately

 Constitutional eczema (or atopic eczema) is a common highly itchy inflammation of the skin. The disorder usually begins in the first years of life and then disappears by puberty or even earlier. However, constitutional eczema can also continue until after puberty or start only after puberty. It is a disease for which there is a congenital "predisposition" and is associated with asthma.  Read eczema on face Who gets constitutional eczema? Constitutional eczema  is increasingly common in Western society. Women and men have an equal risk of developing the disease. About seventy percent of patients have family members with eczema, asthma or hay fever. As indicated, the symptoms usually begin in early childhood, but the first symptoms may even occur in people aged seventy years or older . What does eczema look like? Characteristics of constitutional eczema are: Redness: the inflammation causes increased blood flow to the skin.  Read eczema cream for face. Itching: eczema is alw

5 household remedies for psoriasis

 psoriasis home remedies Psoriasis is one of the most common chronic skin diseases. While there is no cure for it, there are ways to control the symptoms. And these are closer than you think. Herewith a list of household remedies.  Read best psoriasis treatment. 1. Dead Sea Salt Research has shown that taking a warm bath with dead sea salt can be beneficial for people with psoriasis. Fifteen minutes of lying down would be enough to relieve the rash and itching. 2. Omega 3 tablets Omega-3  fatty acids can also be a means of treating psoriasis. The nutrient is mainly found in fish and fish oil. A study has shown that omega 3 can help reduce inflammation and improve the health of people with autoimmune diseases. For these reasons, it may also help with Psoriasis . In addition, scientists in Clinical, Cosmetic and Investigational Dermatology found that omega 3 fatty acids can relieve symptoms in psoriasis when intake is combined with regular treatment. 3. Mahogany Mahogany is a plant also