How do you lose fat from cellulite
Fight cellulite: This is how it works!
Not only has the pointer of the scale gone up for you, but unsightly dents have also formed on your thighs? Your skin looks like an orange? Then it's time to call a spade a spade: Yes, you have cellulite. But that's no reason to despair. EAT SMARTER tells you how to fight cellulite! Read qwo cellulite treatment.
First of all, the good news: cellulite is medically harmless. Beautiful is nevertheless something else. And even slim women and even men are not immune to cellulite. The dimples can form on the legs as well as on the buttocks, abdomen and arms. With the following tips you can fight cellulite:
Fight cellulite: healthy diet
It's not for nothing that they say: you are what you eat. Because in the case of orange peel skin, it is not uncommon for the wrong diet to be to blame. If you want to fight or prevent cellulite, a balanced diet is particularly important. Too much fat, sugar and salt promotes the storage of fat or water in the skin. This is what causes the unsightly dimples to appear. So avoid particularly sweet and fatty foods and go for fruit and vegetables instead. Varieties rich in vitamin C, such as kiwis and peppers, are particularly suitable because they boost the fat metabolism. Read how much does qwo injections cost
Fight cellulite: drink a lot
Even if this point makes you yawn and say, "I've heard that 100 times." In the fight against orange peel skin, drinking a lot is particularly important, in addition to a healthy diet. Two to three liters of water or unsweetened tea should already be it. The high fluid intake flushes waste products and toxins from the body. This makes the skin look plumper. Fruit juices or soft drinks are taboo, as their high sugar content promotes orange peel skin. Read cellulite questions-answers.
Fighting cellulite: alternating showers
Alternating showers can be quite helpful in fighting cellulite. Alternating between cold and warm water stimulates blood circulation. In addition, the fat metabolism is boosted. It is best to alternate between hot and cold three times in a row. Always finish the process with cold water. Read how to lose cellulite in 2 weeks.
Fighting cellulite: Sport is a must
Even when it comes to fighting cellulite, nothing works without exercise. Lack of exercise causes the muscles to slacken. In addition, blood circulation decreases, which in turn affects the metabolism. For the fight against orange peel skin, a combination of endurance and strength training is ideal. Endurance sports such as jogging, walking or cycling stimulate fat burning. Strength training builds muscles and tightens connective tissue. For those who are afraid that the concussion of jogging will cause the connective tissue to slacken even more - swimming and aqua fitness are extremely effective cellulite killers.
Fight cellulite: massages fight cellulite
You want to simply massage away the orange peel skin? It's not quite that simple, but regular massages can actually fight cellulite. Simply pinch individual areas of skin between your thumb and forefinger, lift them and let them fall again. Just as effective: massage the affected areas in circles with a massage glove, knobby brush or coarse sponge. This stimulates blood circulation and tightens the skin.
Editor's recommendation: Test your skin type and sleep type now.
The right care is not only a must for cellulite. If you want to optimally support your skin type, you should also know your sleep type, because sufficient and restful sleep can also have a positive effect on the skin's appearance. Take the sleep type test and find out everything you need to know about skin care products, their properties and possible applications for your skin type.
Fighting cellulite: lymphatic drainages
Do you suffer from very pronounced orange peel skin and have you already tried everything to fight cellulite? Then lymphatic drainage may be able to help. This is because a clogged lymphatic system is often the cause of cellulite. A professional masseur or physiotherapist can loosen the congestion. Harmful substances in the skin can be removed. Nutrients are optimally absorbed.
Fighting cellulite: Home remedies help
Numerous creams and gels against cellulite can be found in the drugstore. However, they are often expensive and their effectiveness is questionable. A cheap alternative and a great home remedy is coffee grounds. Simply spread cold or lukewarm coffee grounds on the thighs and wrap them with cling film, but not too tightly. Leave the whole thing on for half an hour and rinse with warm water. Repeat as often as desired.
Fight cellulite: secret tip
This tip does not directly fight cellulite, but with Ihm the orange peel skin becomes visually less. Use self-tanner, because lightly tanned skin looks plumper! The dents are so less visible than on "lime slats".
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