What are the main reasons for using skin care products with natural ingredients?


5 reasons to choose natural skin care!

More and more people are looking for natural skin care products.

This is because many regular beauty products contain substances that can be bad for our health.

But more and more is known about natural alternatives.

In this article we give the 5 main reasons to choose natural skin care .

What are natural skin care products?

Natural skin care products can be recognized by what they do not contain. Read skin care routine for dry skin.

These include parabens, phthalates, alcohol, SLS, aluminum, artificial colors and fragrances.

These can lead to allergies and hypersensitivity, hormonal imbalances and even cancer. Read face wash women in 2022.

So what do natural skincare products contain?

Among others, vitamins, antioxidants and essential fatty acids, which properly care for, protect and repair the skin.

Why natural skincare is important

Your skin lets more through than you think

Our skin is our largest organ.

Approximately 60 to 70% of what we apply to it penetrates our body and ends up in our bloodstream. Read 10 home remedies for oily skin.

Many people use about 10 different skin care products every day, which often contain harmful substances.

This poses health risks.

Few rules in the beauty industry

The beauty industry is legally bound by few rules.

Cosmetic companies are free to incorporate all kinds of potentially harmful substances into their products, to make them longer lasting and cheaper.

The harmful effects of some of these are only now becoming known; others have not yet been studied, or not in the long term.

Many products with potentially harmful ingredients

Once aware of the possible health risks associated with the substances in cosmetics, one often starts to pay closer attention to the ingredient lists of these products.

Those who are already able to recognize them despite the difficult terms soon discover that it is difficult to find regular products that are free of potentially harmful ingredients.

Better effects with less risk

Fortunately, there is also good news!

With natural products you can achieve the same or even better effects, without the risks mentioned above.

As an example, let's mention the increasingly popular argan oil.

This is 100% pure and often organic oil, to which nothing else has been added.

It contains very high concentrations of vitamin E, which prevents skin aging.

It is also rich in antioxidants and essential fatty acids, which help to repair and nourish the skin.

Less is more!

You don't put shampoo on your face, deodorant on your teeth.

Each body part needs something different.

The beauty of natural care products, such as argan oil, coconut oil, avocado, honey and lemon juice, is that they are so versatile.

Often you can even eat them!

For example, argan oil is good for your face, body, hair and nails.

Coconut oil does a great job as a lip balm, but also as an ingredient for natural toothpaste or deodorant.

Avocado is good for skin, hair and guacamole, as is lemon juice by the way!

So buying endless bottles and jars is no longer necessary.

This saves money and space and is better for the environment!

Healthy from head to toe

Many regular skin care products contain substances that can be harmful to your overall health.

It is worthwhile to switch to natural alternatives.

With these, the same or better effects can be achieved, without the risks.

Moreover, they are so versatile that we can save time and space because we have to buy less.

It's environmentally friendly too!

Are you going to switch to natural?

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What are the main reasons for using skin care products with natural ingredients?


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