
Sudden dry skin

Dry skin - the causes are manifold If the skin is tight, itchy or reddened, it is too dry. Both internal and external factors can be behind a high loss of moisture in the skin. In most cases, it is a combination of such factors that leads to the drying of the skin.  Read dry skin rash Dry skin: genetic or hormonal causes. Some people have had dry skin since childhood. Others suffer from flaky and cracked skin as they age. The so-called endogenous factors for dry skin include: Genetic predisposition Age (skin aging) Hormonal influences (menopause, pregnancy) Diseases such as neurodermatitis, psoriasis, diabetes mellitus, liver, gall bladder and kidney diseases. Dry skin: Causes due to external influences. External influences can promote the development of dry skin. If you know the exogenous factors that can lead to moisture loss in the skin, you can take countermeasures in time. The most important external influences include: Environmental influences (e.g. cold, dry air due to overh...

face skin care tips

Tips and tricks for the most beautiful complexion Many opinions and myths surround facial care. We show what really matters for a beautiful complexion. Facial care : Introduction Face skin care plays a central role in skin care . But what do you actually have to pay attention to in order to achieve a beautiful complexion? There are countless products on the market and maybe you've wondered which ones are really important for the face. In this basic article we present everything about skin care for the face. Determine skin type Before you start looking for skin care products, it is important to determine your own skin type. The oil content and moisture of a cream are not suitable for every skin type. By the way: You can easily determine your skin type with our test. Normal skin : Who wants to be normal these days? In terms of skin type, probably everyone. Because normal skin is uncomplicated to care for. It is characterized by a smooth surface that is neither too dry nor too oily. ...

Natural skin care tips for the summer season

 natural skin care tips Natural skin care! We are just enjoying spring to the fullest: The first warm days, sunshine and a mild breeze - wonderful! At the same time, the needs of our skin are changing. So let's give it an extra portion of attention now, so that it is perfectly prepared for temperatures around 30°C and sunshine. I present you 5 care tips and natural beauty recipe ideas, so that the upcoming summer feeling is also transferred to your skin and your complexion can soon shine with the sun.  Read also how to cure dry skin on face overnight. When summer approaches... Just now we had to fight with sub-zero temperatures, dry hands and chapped lips. And then spring came - in no time at all! I'm glad you're finally here! I was really looking forward to you and my skin certainly was too, as it prefers to feel the warmth rather than the cold. With the skin it is anyway such a thing: As the largest sense organ of our body it breathes, protects, detoxifies, absorbs and st...

how to remove pimples naturally and permanently

 Impure skin: Top 10 home remedies for pimples Annoying  pimples and unpleasant blackheads? Don't be! With these common home remedies you get a radiant complexion. We have 10 tips against pimples - without chemicals and for every skin type! Table of contents 1. Causes of impure skin natural   home remedies for pimples - these are the 2. Top 10 home remedies for         blemished skin 3. Tips for beautiful skin 4. The right  skin care routine Causes of blemished skin Hormones, skin care that does not suit your skin type, new make-up - there can be many causes of blemished skin, especially on the face. In the case of isolated blackheads, which only appear from time to time and especially in the T-zone, it could be due to incorrect skin care. Before and during menstruation, many women also have less clear skin than normal. If, on the other hand, the pimples appear in flocks and are red, this could indicate acne. It is best to clarify this with ...

how to regrow hair on bald spot naturally for men's

 Bald spots: tips to cover them up To strengthen hair from the inside, a healthy diet is crucial. Reduce the consumption of fried foods and refined flour. External treatments can also help slow down hair loss.  Read hair regrowth for men. Hair loss  is a common problem in both men and women and a cause for concern, as it greatly affects the external appearance. Of course, bald patches can also be a sign of various diseases. Stopping the hair loss quickly and achieving that the hair grows back quickly is very difficult. This requires a lot of care and certain treatments. Health problems must be diagnosed and treated to prevent hair loss.  Read best hair loss treatment for female. The affected individuals not only suffer from a health problem, but emotional consequences can also arise, as this severely affects their appearance. Therefore, many are looking for a solution to appear confident and attractive even in public. While fighting the causes, there are several ways...

how to regrow hair on bald spot fast

 Balding is reversible Generally, baldness (or partial baldness) is considered irreversible unless it is caused by radiation or the like. However,  baldness is not irreversible - at least not in every case. The hair follicles do shrink with prolonged inactivity, but they do not die. How does baldness form If a bald spot forms, then the natural life cycle of hair stops. Like all living things, hair has a certain life cycle : Each hair grows about a centimeter a month and lives between 2 to 7 years. After that, the hairs detach, fall out and make room for new hairs. In this way, between 50 and 100 hairs fall out every day during normal hair growth.  Read hair regrowth for men If they did not grow back, after only a few years we would not have a single hair on our head. But they do grow back. This is because only the hairs fall out, not the hair follicles. These are located in the hair base. They surround the hair root and can let new hair sprout again and again. Of course,...