how to regrow hair on bald spot fast

 Balding is reversible

Generally, baldness (or partial baldness) is considered irreversible unless it is caused by radiation or the like. However, baldness is not irreversible - at least not in every case. The hair follicles do shrink with prolonged inactivity, but they do not die.

How does baldness form

If a bald spot forms, then the natural life cycle of hair stops. Like all living things, hair has a certain life cycle :

Each hair grows about a centimeter a month and lives between 2 to 7 years. After that, the hairs detach, fall out and make room for new hairs. In this way, between 50 and 100 hairs fall out every day during normal hair growth. Read hair regrowth for men

If they did not grow back, after only a few years we would not have a single hair on our head. But they do grow back. This is because only the hairs fall out, not the hair follicles. These are located in the hair base. They surround the hair root and can let new hair sprout again and again. Of course, only if they are also supplied with sufficient nutrients from the hair base. Read how to regrow hair on bald spot naturally for mens

Do nutrient deficiencies cause baldness?


But if the hair base is not supplied with sufficient nutrients, the cycle described above breaks down. A cycle that could function for an entire human life - if the nutrient supply were correct. 

If it is not, then this could also be the reason why the hereditary hypersensitivity of the hair follicles to the hormone DHT (dihydrotestosterone) suddenly appears and baldness or partial baldness develops. Possibly the hypersensitivity would not show up if the hair follicle and thus they themselves remained well supplied with nutrients and vital substances.

Now you might say : Okay, then I'll give my hair base what it wants : a large portion of nutrients and my bald spot will disappear. And this is exactly the catch of the story. It is not quite that simple.

Nutrients no longer reach the hair roots at all

Often, the nutrients supplied do not even reach the hair follicle. The fine hair follicles, in which the hair root is anchored, are located in the hair base. And to supply the hair follicles, there are even finer blood vessels around the follicles. It is precisely these fine vessels, as well as the tissue around the hair follicles, that are often a place where slags are readily deposited.

Slags are partly harmful substances that are ingested with food, but mostly they are metabolic waste products that are produced in the body itself and which it would ideally eliminate (via the kidneys or intestines). The waste products also include neutralized acids, which is why we also speak of hyperacidity in this context.

Better a bald head than sick organs".

However, if too many waste products accumulate or if the organs of elimination are overloaded, the organism first stores the waste products - preferably where they can cause the least damage, e.g. in the hair follicle, according to the motto: "Better a bald head than sick organs - at least that's what your body thinks.

However, if slag is stored in the hair follicle, it clogs the fine blood vessels that are supposed to supply the hair follicle and the hair roots with nutrients. The fine lymphatic vessels are also clogged, which should remove waste products from the scalp. The hair follicles and hair roots are now surrounded by waste products, which they can no longer get rid of due to blocked drainage paths. At the same time, the nutrients also no longer get through, at least not to the required extent.

What your hair has in common with a potted plant

Hair follicles could be somewhat compared to a potted plant. If a potted plant is not regularly fertilized or occasionally repotted in new soil, it will eventually stop growing. It doesn't die, but it persists and waits for nutrients to be replenished.

A plant can stay in the same pot for years without dying. But it also doesn't grow if it doesn't receive nutrients. It doesn't look very proper either - and it doesn't bloom. At the same time, it becomes susceptible to all sorts of diseases and pests.

Then one day it occurs to the hitherto negligent amateur gardener that he could also fertilize his plant. And lo and behold, it suddenly comes back to life. It forms new leaves of a rich green color. It shoots up, forms flowers and perhaps even bears fruit. It is no longer diseased, and the pests take flight.

What your hair has in common with a potted plant

Hair follicles could be somewhat compared to a potted plant. If a potted plant is not regularly fertilized or occasionally repotted in new soil, it will eventually stop growing. It doesn't die, but it persists and waits for nutrients to be replenished.

A plant can stay in the same pot for years without dying. But it also doesn't grow if it doesn't receive nutrients. It doesn't look very proper either - and it doesn't bloom. At the same time, it becomes susceptible to all sorts of diseases and pests.

Then one day it occurs to the hitherto negligent amateur gardener that he could also fertilize his plant. And lo and behold, it suddenly comes back to life. It forms new leaves of a rich green color. It shoots up, forms flowers and perhaps even bears fruit. It is no longer diseased, and the pests take flight.

Is baldness is reversible ?

Just like a neglected potted plant, your hair follicles are waiting for that beautiful day when they can finally get back to growing healthy, thick hair.

This beautiful day will be the one when you decide to act, thirsty for action. Because there are many things you could do. We present you some strategies below :

The easiest way to do this is with a hair loss cure or hair growth cure (point 1 or 2). The hair loss cure can be supplemented with various measures (point 3) from the area of nutrition and dietary supplements.

1. You perform a hair loss cure, which focuses on the treatment of the hair floor.

2. You carry out a hair growth cure that combines internal and external applications based on silicon, that additionally integrates deacidification and intestinal flora regeneration, and that additionally has nettle products in its program, as these have a concrete effect on the DHT level.

3. Are you interested in the holistic approach to promoting hair growth? Then you can combine your hair loss cure with a healthy diet and with targeted nutritional supplements.

1. hair loss cure to activate the hair roots - external application

A hair loss cure to activate the hair roots can be carried out between 6 weeks and three months. It may include, for example, the following four completely natural and non-irritating products:

Alkaline shampoo against hair loss

A natural alkaline shampoo made from purely natural ingredients does not burden the scalp with unnecessary chemicals, soothes irritated scalps and supports the detoxification of the hair follicle.

Hair growth remedy against hair loss

The supply of concentrated and natural nutrients from the outside can be taken over by a special hair loss remedy (e.g. Nu-Grow), which has been specially developed against baldness and hair loss.

Sango sea coral against hair loss

For deacidification from the inside and at the same time for remineralization of the organism and the hair base, Sango Sea Coral can be used. It contains minerals in an ideal and harmonious ratio for humans, and in addition in ionic form, i.e. easily absorbed and utilized. Here you can find more information about Sango Sea Coral.

Alkaline bath against hair loss

An alkaline bath has many benefits that have a long-term effect on the health of the entire body and thus also on the health of the hair. The organism is stimulated to eliminate waste products through the skin. The relaxing effect is also beneficial to the organs of elimination, which increase in efficiency and thus slowly but surely the clogging waste products can be removed from the scalp.

Alkaline hair pack

As an additional sensible measure for weak hair growth and to support new hair growth, an alkaline hair floor pack can be performed once a week. Its ingredients can, among other things, activate the blood circulation of the scalp, so that waste products can be better transported away and nutrients and active ingredients can penetrate deep into the scalp again.

2. hair growth cure with silicon and nettle

An intensive hair growth cure based on silicon should last at least 4 weeks. The silicon alone can then be taken permanently. Because usually only after 6 to 12 months of silicon intake a result on the head shows.

Silicon from inside and outside

Silicon is together with zinc THE trace element for beautiful and healthy hair. As early as 2006, a study on the effect of silicon on hair quality and hair growth was conducted at the University Clinic Hamburg-Eppendorf. In 55 test persons with thin hair who took silicon over a period of 6 months, hair thickness increased by an average of 13 percent. There was also a clear increase in hair volume.

Silicon can not only be ingested and strengthen hair growth from the inside. The trace element can also be applied to the scalp in the form of a special hair growth concentrate and thus - together with herbs that promote hair growth - additionally activate the hair follicles from the outside.

Deacidify and sanitize the intestine

A hair growth cure with silicon can either be limited to the silicon or also contain components for deacidification (base concentrate) and for building up the intestinal flora.

This is because only deacidified cells - whether in the hair follicle or in the rest of the body - can eliminate waste products and absorb nutrients (as we have described here: Alkaline Concentrates - The Secret of Proper Deacidification). In the same way, only a healthy intestine with a healthy and efficient intestinal flora can absorb nutrients from food (and conduct them to the hair floor) and comprehensively eliminate harmful substances.

Nettle against DHT

Nettle leaves and seeds were already used in folk medicine for hair problems. In the meantime, the mechanism of action that causes the stinging nettle to make the hair grow new and strong is also suspected.

The nettle is supposed to be able to block the so-called 5a-reductase, an enzyme that is responsible for the conversion of testosterone into DHT - and DHT in turn or the sensitivity of the hair follicles to DHT leads to hair loss or prevents new hair growth. So now - under the influence of the nettle - the DHT level would decrease, the hair follicles could recover - as far as possible - and the hair reacts with growth.

3. holistic measures to promote hair growth

Of course, the holistic approach to no matter what the problem is also includes proper nutrition, effective stress management, and targeted nutritional supplements that provide you with exactly those vital substances that your scalp and hair actually need to regenerate.

Nutrition against baldness

No matter which hair loss cure or hair growth cure you choose, however, there is no way around a certain change in diet. The bare minimum, which even people who may not care about their diet at all should take to heart, would be the following five basic rules :

1. no/low alcohol (no high-proof drinks under any circumstances)

2. no/low sugar (no sweetened drinks, as an alternative: sugar-free sweets from the health food store)

3. no/low caffeine (coffee etc.)

4. no products made from wholemeal flour/white flour

Start the day with a big glass of warm water with freshly 

5. squeezed lemon and have your last meal of the day preferably before 7pm.

The success: Goodbye baldness

The observance of these five rules in combination with a hair loss or hair growth cure leads after shortest time to a clear increase of the well-being and the personal efficiency. All five vices (alcohol, sugar, caffeine, white flour, late meals) burden, overacidify and slag the body immensely.

If they are suddenly avoided, the organism literally breathes a sigh of relief. The less acids and waste products enter the body, the faster the old deposits - which are found, among other places, in the hair follicle and prevent any new hair growth there - can be dissolved and discharged. And exactly that is condition No. 1 for hair regrowth.

Once the old slags are gone, the nutrients and minerals supplied with an alkaline diet and high-quality dietary supplements find their ancestral places in the hair follicle again (prerequisite no. 2). The caring hair follicles are nurtured and nourished, and soon new hairs appear.


Do nutrient deficiencies cause baldness?


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